Barters & Hosting

Bartered Offers Are Considered On A Case-by-case Basis

“There is a concept that all of us must consider – the energy exchange. In the world of economics, setting a fair price for a product or service is done by determining its value for the customer. If the price is too high, no one will purchase it. If it is too low, the value is diminished. In the same way, when a Reiki practitioner offers services to the public, there are expenses and hours of time involved. Unless one is already wealthy, charging for the service is usually a necessity. For the client, choosing to spend money on Reiki may mean choosing not to do something else – a choice that demonstrates the value placed on the treatment.

Money, however, is not the only way to do an energy exchange. Bartering can be a valid method. For those who desire Reiki treatments, there are many ways clients can pay for your efforts. They may have homegrown vegetables, books they have read, or handmade knitted items to give you. Or, they may be able to provide a service, such as website development, videotaping, or doing some yard work. The only caution about bartering – begin by agreeing that both must be honest and feel comfortable the trade is even. Otherwise, the energy exchange will be tainted with negative feelings and that is never a good way to start a healing modality trade! If there is truly nothing you can find for bartering – and you decide circumstances call for a free session – the client can at least provide word-of-mouth referrals, or internet reviews.” ~ excerpt from Reiki Rays Article .

I have learned that I do a grave disservice to those students who ask for a discount by giving a discount because by doing so, I allow them to continue in that poverty mentality and that lack of abundance mindset. When I have given discounts in the past, doing so fed right into that negative energetic cycle for them and in doing so I became an enabler which in turn allows that person to continue using those damaging, self-limiting beliefs as a crutch. I unknowingly helped reinforce those deeply imbedded subconscious beliefs in that individual instead of stepping back and allowing them the space to be more creative, to step into their own power, to be more resourceful and to ultimately become a more empowered version of themselves. Ultimately, you get out of a Reiki class what you put into it. One of my mentors likes to say, you don't need more money, you need a better strategy and that is where barter comes into the picture. Be aware that payment plans are currently available through my website when you checkout. This is a very popular option with many of my students. However, when that option is insufficient, then it might be time to to consider a barter and allow yourself to access a better strategy for yourself in that way. You might be surprised at what you come up with!


One of my favorite barters to offer and accept is to exchange sessions with other energy practitioners. Are you an energy practitioner? What are your skills? And even if you are not an energy practitioner, I’ll still ask you the same question: what are your skills? Don’t underestimate the tasks you do in your everyday life and/or at your job. These may seem like simple and easy tasks to you but those skills still have value! I encourage you to think outside the box especially if you are interested in taking a class or session from me but do not have the financial means of accomplishing that at this time. Feel free to reach out to me to ask, but be prepared! KNOW WHAT YOUR SKILLS ARE and clearly indicate them in your email to me as to what specifically you are prepared to trade with me as a barter for my time and service. I encourage you to sit down and really think carefully about your day in great detail. Write out a list of the things you do. This is an excellent way to better understand what your skills are, where they lie and just how many of them you truly have! You never know…you just might have some skillset in areas that I’m sorely lacking and looking for help with!

Hosting A Traveling Reiki Master & Her Classes

Are you willing to host a traveling Reiki Master and her classes? Are you willing, capable and able to physically act as a host for me? If so, and you are willing to allow me to hold classes in your home or business, your attendance fee for the class will be waived. The caveat to this bartered offer is that you must have or get at least four (4) other interested clients in your area to commit to attending by purchasing / reserving their spot in the class via my website. This will help me establish a presence in your area. Finding and setting up the first class is always the most difficult which is why being hosted by someone who is locate to the area is so beneficial to us both! If you are interested, please feel free to contact me via email through my website!

Current Reiki Classes Offered

(if there are 7-15 students interested)

Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki levels 1& 2 – This class runs from 12:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. over 2 days.  Cost is $495.00 to attend and includes William Lee Rand’s excellent and comprehensive level 1 & 2 Reiki manual.

Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Master class (Master-Teacher) – You can teach Reiki after taking this class – the class runs from 12:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. over 3 days. Cost to attend is $1,295.00. Levels 3 & 4 are taught together because even if a person is not ready to teach, they can truly benefit from receiving Holy Fire which takes 3 full days to integrate into our energy (it is so huge and does so much) and is only offered at the Master level. William Lee Rand says if a person is ready for the Usui Master symbol, they are usually also ready for Holy Fire.  Please note, we are not expected to be perfect to study at the Reiki Master level; we never “MASTER” Reiki, instead we allow Reiki to master us.  The cost of the class can be broken down into 3 monthly payments if needed. This class is magical and life changing for all who attend!

Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki® Master – This class runs from 12:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. over 3 days and is an advanced Reiki course for those who are ready for their frequency and healing ability to go even higher. The cost to attend is $1,295.00 and includes a Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Master manual. You must have been an Usui Reiki Master (from any lineage) for at least 12 months prior to taking this class. You are able to both use and teach Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki® after taking this class.